Teaching and Learning Coordinator’s Message

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope most of our community have managed to have an enjoyable relaxing holiday break. However, I am very aware that not everyone will have had a great holiday. On behalf of our community we are certainly thinking of those many fellow Australians who have lost their lives, homes and livelihoods during the catastrophic fires. We are also most grateful to our fearless firefighters, emergency services and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to support fire threatened communities.

Sirius College has a commitment to providing all the care and support necessary for each student to do their best and achieve the highest possible learning outcomes. It is important when parents have concerns about their children, they contact the relevant staff members immediately to ensure a quick supportive response.

The most appropriate staff members to talk with when you have specific concerns are the classroom teachers, then Year Level Coordinators. These are the staff members who have a thorough understanding of the needs of the students in their care. Decisions regarding students are made in partnership with parents and students with careful consideration of what is in the best interests of the students.

It has been an excellent start to the 2020 school year. The students were motivated and focused and it is pleasing to hear so many positive comments from teachers on their classes. Teachers have been very impressed with the students’ work ethic in completing homework set. Students in VCE should be completing 2-3 hours of homework each night and all students should also be consistently revising their class notes on a regular basis in preparation for assessments. Overall, it has been an outstanding commencement to the term and I sincerely thank all teachers, students and parents for all of their efforts.

I look forward to the year ahead as we continue on our journey of learning, reflecting the school’s vision “To nurture resilient individuals with the wide range of skills, interests and attributes necessary to become tomorrow’s leaders who are able to respond successfully to challenges in the global world”

Emel Sener
Teaching and Learning Coordinator